Service Learning

Make positive contributions to our community.

Community Service

Our school vision is to develop our students to be global participants and responsible citizens. They must be empathetic and caring about the people around them and always ready to help those who are in need, and be part of the solution rather than the problem. Our school gives students opportunities to develop the traits needed to be active and responsible global citizens. Students organize charity fairs, fundraising events, and various community services nurturing their willingness to care and to serve.

2020-21 Fundraising Event

The house council leaders led the middle school students to raise money on the streets of Taipei. For this fundraising activity, students created promotional films, designed folders and pins, orientation, and promotional activities. Through this event, our students truly come to understand that it is a greater blessing to give than to receive.

Off-campus volunteer service opportunity Top10

On-campus volunteer service opportunity

  • DSA, Activity Section ( DSA volunteer, Family leadership, Scout, etc. )
  • DSA, Traffic Section (shuttle bus volunteer)
  • DSA, Dorm Section (dormitory volunteer)
  • DCA (Artistic activities volunteer)

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